Thursday, January 19, 2012

Alyshia's Textbook Questions pgs 98-100 # 6, 14, and 17

6. What is an example of a whole number that has a square root between 9 and 10? 14. Alex is thinking of a number.

a) What number could he be thinking of?

b) Is there more than one answer? Explain.

There is only one answer possible because the number must be between 49 and 64 and the only multiple of 12 that is between 49 and 64 is 60.

17. Carmel wants to mount an 18cm by 18cm square picture on a square board that is four times the area of the picture.

a) What is the area of the picture?
b) What is the area of the board?

c) What are the dimensions of the board?

Here is a link if you are still having troubles.

Here is a video that also might help.

The pythagorean relationship is the relationship between the lengths of the sides of a right triangle. The sum of the areas of the squares attached to the legs of a right triangle equals the area of the square attached to the hypotenuse.

#2 Solve for the missing side length

#3 Is this a right triangle? Prove it!!!!!

No this triangle is not a right triangle because the sum of the areas of the two squares attached to the legs do not equal the area of the square attached to the hypotenuse.

Here is a link to help you on pythagorean relationships.

1 comment:

  1. WOW! Great job Alyshia! Very well done! Everything was clear and understandable. I loved how you used lots of pictures and added a ton of color! The link was super helpful and also the video! Keep up the GREAT work!
