Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Melina's proportion post

Task 1:
Two term ratio: Compares two quantities measured in the same unit.
Three term ratio: Compares three quantities measured in the same unit.
Part to part ratios: Compares differ net parts of a group to each other.
Part to whole ratios: Compares on part of a group on the whole group.
Words: three compared to six or 3:6
Ratio Notation: 3:6
Fraction 3/6
Rate: A comparison of two quantities measured different units.
Proportion: An equation which states that two ratios or fractions are equal.
Task 2:
1) 5 h to travel 360 miles is about 72 mph
The answer is 72 mph.
2) As a playgroup worker, if i increase the amount of apple juice i am serving at the playground from 25ml to 100ml, how much should i increase the orange juice to keep the same quantities of the proportion? The orange juice is 50ml to start with.
Task 3:
What are three ways you can prove that equivalent ratio statements are true?
3/4 = 12/16 or 4/9 = 16/32
1) You can multiply or divide horizontally. (Top left to the top right, bottom left to the bottom right.
2) You can multiply or divide vertically. ( Numerator to the denominator for each of the ratios)
3) You can multiply or divide diagonally. ( Top left to the bottom right, Top right to the bottom left.)
Task 4: Here is a video on proportions. Hope you enjoy!

Task 5:
Do you think its fair?
No, i do not think it is fair.
With what you know about
proportion look and read what is in the image above. Does it seem just and fair?
Why have you made this choice?
No i think it is not fair because the the other guy had a $3B fraud and the judge made him go to jail for just forty months, and the other homeless guy stole a $100 dollar bill because he was hungry and he is going to go to jail for 15 years.
What would you have done if you were the judge?
I would have sent the person that stole $3 billion for fifteen years and the homeless guy that stole $100 dollar bill for just 4 months to jail because first of all he made it a robbery and second of all i would let him keep the $100 dollar bill so he could buys food and clothing and make him stay at shelter for homeless people.
I hope this helped you!

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