Converting decimals into fractions:
When converting a decimal into a fraction, all the numbers in front of the decimal becomes "1." Normally, there would be one number or place holder in front of the decimal. Then, the rest of the numbers after the decimal becomes "0." This will be the denominator. Lastly, you put the rest of the numbers that are behind the decimal on top of the denominator and you'll get the fraction.
Converting decimals into percents:
Converting a decimal into a percent is very easy just like converting fractions into decimals. You just multiply the decimal by a hundred to get the percent.
Converting fractions into decimals:
Converting a fraction into a decimal is very simple. You just simply divide the numerator by the denominator.
Converting fractions into a percent:
Converting a fraction into a percent is kind of complicated than the rest. Some fractions are easy to covert to a percent. Those are the fractions with "100" as their denominator. Other fractions include one more step; you have to find the decimal. To find the decimal, you need to divide the numerator by the denominator. When you find the decimal, you just multiply it by a hundred to get the percent.
Converting percents into fractions:Like converting a fraction into a percent, converting a percent into a fraction has one more step to it. Some percents you may know how to convert into a fraction just like that. Examples are 50%, 25%, 100%, 75%, 20%, etc. However, there are percents that are harder to convert into a fraction. So, in order to do this, you have to find the decimal. For you to find the decimal, you divide it by a hundred. When you find the decimal then you can use the "decimal into a fraction" technique.
Converting percents into decimals:
Converting a percent into a decimal is fairly simple. You just divide the percent by a hundred and you will get the decimal.
Here are the examples we did today in class.
Here is a video about decimals, fractions and percents. I put this video of guys rapping about decimals, fractions and percents because i thought that the other videos are boring. So enjoy!
Now, here is a link to a math site.
Good Job Josh, I like how you explained everything so that we can understand more and explained everything that we did in class today it helped me a lot. I like how your pictures are very clear for us to see and understand.
ReplyDeleteGREAT JOB JOSH!!!!! i like that way you explained everything about what you need to do to convert fractions, percents, and decimals. i also like your pictures explaining how to convert fractions, decimals, and percent. i really like the video and the link is helpful too. What i might sagest is that on the example converting percents into decimals it is kind of blurry so maybe next time try not to make it to blurry. but other wise keep up the GREAT work.
ReplyDeleteAwesome job Josh! I liked the way you explained everything in a lot of detail it helped me a lot also your pictures were very clear to understand. I also enjoyed the video and link that you added it also helped me. So overall you did an awesome job!
ReplyDeletegood job,Josh,i like how you explained things that we did in the class,your pictures are clear too.The video and the link helped me.
ReplyDeleteJosh, you did an awesome job! You pictures were clear, and your video was interesting. One suggestion is that to add the "hidden" fraction part of the decimal and percent in when you are doing the converting, so people can understand why or how you did that. Great post Josh!
ReplyDeleteGreat job on your scribe post Josh. I liked how you explained how to convert percent into fractions and percent into decimals. Your video was interesting and you link was helpful.Awesome job!
ReplyDeleteHi Josh, great job on your scribe post!Your pictures were clear and were easy to read. I liked the way you explained everything you had to do. Your link was very helpful and video was very interesting. Keep up the good work Josh!
ReplyDeleteGood job Josh !! I liked how you explaned everything clearly especially converting them to each other. I like the link and video was cool.Keep up the hard and good work !!
ReplyDeleteHey buddy! Nice work! You basically explained everything that is needed to know very well. I'm also impressed of how you made your own pictures, they are all clear and you have everything on it. So, it was good to see a perfect scribe post, thank you and keep it up :)
ReplyDeleteGreat Job Josh! I really liked how you explained everything so clearly and that made me understand how to convert decimals to percent etc.The link and the video is really interesting and different!Keep up the amazing job!
ReplyDeleteGood Job Josh! You explained everything very clearly, it made me understand more about converting percent to decimals etc. I like the link and the video too! Keep it up!
ReplyDeleteGreat job on your scribe post Josh. I liked how you explained how to convert percent into fractions and percent into decimals. Your video was interesting and your link was helpful.Awesome job!