Monday, November 14, 2011

Cindy's Pay it Forward

Part 1

What is "Pay it Forward".

Pay it Forward was an activity to help other people. We will not expect anything in return, but instead we ask that people we helped to pay it forward by helping other people and ask them to pay it forward. By doing that, the good deed will be passed on and might get to everybody in the world. That will make a big difference for our world!


What was your Pay it Forward act of kindness?
The act of kind I did was babysitting at a daycare center for free with Anmarie and Amanda B. and making thank you cards to teachers and classmates who helped me.

Why did you choose to do this activity?

I choose do babysitting because I think I will do good with children because I have taken care of my brother before. I choose to give thank you cards to teachers and classmates because I think it will make people feel good about themselves if they realized what they did for others are always appreciated.

Who did you help?

I helped the workers in the daycare center by helping they watch over children.

What did you do?

During the act of kindness, I read to the children, put puzzles together, play games, play dress up, and sing songs.

When did you do your act of kindness?

I did the babysitting after school in November 8th, 9th, and the 10th from 3:30 to 5:30. I started to make thank you cards in November 5th, and delivered them on November 10th.


(For security reasons, we we were not allow to take pictures of the children.)

Thank You Cards

Part 3

How did your act of kindness go?

My act of kindness went well, everybody appreciated what I did for them.

How did you feel?

I felt helpful and happy when I helped babysit children in the daycare center and when I gave people thank you cards.

How did the person or people react?

The people who received thank you cards from me had a surprised and happy reaction. The people in the daycare center were impressed for grade 8 students to actually go out and help others.

Did you ask the person or people to pay it forward?

Yes, I've asked some of the people I gave thank you cards to pay it forward.

How did they react to your request?
They all agreed to pay it forward and help some others.

(P.S I have received a thank you card from a person last week, so I have already received a good deed and have pay it forward as I have promised.)


Why is the idea "pay it forward" important?

Pay it forward was important because if we just pay it back to people who helped us, the good deed is just between the two of us. If we pay it forward, one good deed can help lots of others. It will pass on to other people, and soon enough everybody will be helped or helped someone in some way.

Has your act of kindness made a difference?

I believe my act of kindness has made a difference for those who received help from me. By making thank you cards, I think I have made people realize that they are more important than they think they are.

Special thank you to Anmarie who helped me through out the whole project and came out with great ideas. Thank you to Amanda B. who helped us with the children in the daycare center. Thank you to the Harstone Children's Center who allows us to take pictures and play with children. Also thank you to Mrs. Wilson, Mr. Harbeck, Kassey, Ronalen, Janessa, Irena, and Diana for letting me take their pictures. I couldn't have done this with out you guys. Thank You and don't forget to Pay it Forward!!!

1 comment:

  1. Good job Cindy!!! I like how you chose to babysit at a daycare.


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