Length, Width and Area.

Prime Factorization:
Prime Number- only has 2 factors; 1 and itself.
eg. 2, 3, 5, 7, 11
Line of Prime Factorization:
Here is a video about Square Numbers.
Here is a video about prime numbers.
Square Numbers site:
Prime Numbers site:
Pythagorean Relationship
1. The Pythagorean relationship is when the sum of the area of the two squares attached to the triangle's leg equal the area of the square attached to the triangle's hypotenuse. (a²+b²=c²)
Question 2

Question 3

No, it's not a right triangle. As you can see, I did my calculations on the paper. I say this isn't a right triangle because in my calculations, the sum of the area of the squares attached to the legs is 100 cm² (which is 10 cm in length). However, on the image, it says that the hypotenuse is 11 cm in length and has an area of 121 cm². This doesn't follow the formula of the Pythagorean relationship which is a²+b²=c². In short, the sum of the area of the squares attached to the legs don't equal the area of the square attached to the hypotenuse.
Good job Joshua !! I like the way you put the information in those neat and understandable visuals. Keep up the good work !
ReplyDeleteAMAZING JOB Joshua! I really like the way you explained your answers by taking pictures of your work it was ver yinteresting to see. You also explained your answers very clearly and understandable. Your videos were helpful and so were your links. So keep up the great work josh!
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ReplyDeleteAwesome job Joshua! I really liked how you wrote the notes on paper and took a picture of it. Your post was clear and understandable. Your videos and links were very helpful and they all had a lot of information. Keep up the great work!
ReplyDeleteHi Joshua, GREAT JOB on your scribe post! I liked that you added pictures to your post, the pictures were great. Your explanations were really clear and were easy to understand. Your links and videos were really helpful. I think you did a really good job Joshua, keep up the great work!
ReplyDeleteJosh, you post is AWESOME! I liked how your pictures were clear and easy to see, and the way you had two videos and two links. One tiny problem you have is the T-chart, you forgot to put the degree symbol after 90 in the square column. You can also link to or mention the game "Sigma Prime" in mangahigh which is a game about Factorization. Great Job Josh!
ReplyDeleteAwesome Job Joshua! I really liked how you wrote the notes on the paper and then put the picture on your scribe,its very clear and understanding.I also like your explanations they were very clear, your videos and links were also very helpful. Great job Joshua, keep up the good work!!
ReplyDeleteGood Job Joshua, you explained everything very clearly and neatly which was very easy to understand. I also like how you explained it on paper and uploading it which was very helpful. Also your video and link helped a lot. Great Job Joshua!
ReplyDeleteGood Job Joshua! I like the way you took a picture of your work, it was easy to understand and see. You also explained your answers clearly and they were also understandable. Your links and videos were helpful too. Good Job again!
ReplyDeleteWOW !!! great job joshua ! i thing you did a really great job in covering everything we did in class . i also likes how you explained everything using pictures. one tiny thing i just wanna point out is the the first two prime number pictures are a little bit blurry but overall you did great! keep up the good work.
ReplyDeleteHoly, great work there lingal! This was very understanding and clear! Your video and links were VERY helpful and maybe one day it could come in handy! Good job!